A warm welcome to Pathhead Parish Church which meets at 11am each Sunday. On regular Sundays, we offer online worship via Zoom for those who cannot be physically present and this can be arranged by contacting the church office. Whichever way you meet us, welcome! At 6pm most Sunday evenings we have an online meeting for those wishing to look at a Bible passage, chat about it and pray. Just contact myself to get on the email distribution list for the Zoom link. I can be contacted at minister@pathheadparishchurch.co.uk
We also offer Messy Church once a month and there is a Messy Church page on this website where you can find more details of its activities.
New Year Welcome – and a warm place to find!
We are now well into 2025 and are returning to our familiar routines. I hope that Sunday worship is one of those routines that our members will be embracing and I would encourage you to join us, not just for worship but also for the opportunity to get out of the house, to meet new people and possibly find a new purpose in life. If you feel you are struggling to make new friends, the church offers a variety of groups which meet within our halls. Additionally, once again, we are providing Warm Space within our halls for anyone looking to get out of the house and finding a place to relax and enjoy a warm welcome – all free! The Warm Space dates are on Wednesdays at 11am and last until mid-afternoon. Come and join us!
Every blessing,
Andrew Donald
It will be a great pleasure to welcome everyone back to worship but for those not able to join us, we shall continue with the Zoom facility so that people can join us from home. Our 6pm Sunday Bible Study will continue on Zoom and if you wish to join the regulars you can find the details along with those of the morning Zoom meeting which is sent out by email.