News and Intimations

Regular Worship

Please join our congregation at Pathhead Church each Sunday at 11am for morning worship. 
We also offer online worship via Zoom for those who cannot be physically present and this can be arranged by contacting the church office.
At 6pm most Sunday evenings we have an online meeting for those wishing to look at a Bible passage, chat about it and pray. Just contact myself to get on the email distribution list for the Zoom link. I can be contacted at 

Andrew Donald



200 Anniversary Prayer Books.
More prayers are required for our 200 Years
Prayer Books.  Stickers are available in the foyer in the yellow box or write your prayer(s) on paper and I will copy them in.
Thank you, May Snaddon

Café St Clair
Our Cafe is open from Tuesday-Friday, 12noon-2pm.  We look forward to seeing you.
We are once again offering children’s meals for £1 when accompanied by an adult buying a main meal. Please encourage family and friends to support our café. Tasty, home cooked food is served at very reasonable prices. If you have never come along yourself, why not give it a try?


Please sign up for Easyfundraising and help us to raise more for our congregation and its projects!

Easyfundraising is a way of donating to your favourite charity when you shop online.  We would be delighted to have more members supporting Pathhead in this way.  Please Google “Easyfundraising” and see how you can help us.  If you are unsure of how it works, check out its promotional video on YouTube.  We have 38 supporters now and raised over £1,164.01