
Infant Baptism

Infant and Adult Baptism

If you have recently been blessed with the birth of a new baby, warmest congratulations!  Following the birth of a child many parents start to think about the possibility of baptism. In the Bible we learn that Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan.  For Jesus’ followers, baptism marked the start of a new life, following Jesus and his ways.  In practical terms it is God’s welcome into the Church through his Holy Spirit.  In Church of Scotland tradition the baptismal water is a sign.  Just as we use water to wash, the water of baptism is a sign of the washing away of sin and the opportunity of a fresh start.

In the New Testament we read, “One Lord, one faith, one baptism”.  Therefore baptism is only administered once because this gift and sign cannot be undone.  When a child reaches a certain age, he or she may wish to reaffirm the promises of baptism by profession of faith but it is by baptism that a person is welcomed into the family of the Church.  For that reason, it is important that parents honour the baptismal vows and do their best to give their child a good grounding in the Christian faith.  That’s why, normally, one or other of the parents must be a member of the Church.

The Church of Scotland also practices adult baptism because there are many people who are not baptized as infants.  During the service, the baptismal vows are made by the individual person, prior to being admitted by profession of faith.

If you are thinking about baptism, either for yourself or your child, the minister would be glad to discuss this further.  Appointments can be made via the church office, or by contacting the minister directly.  Meetings are often arranged for coffee time after the 11am service in a relaxed and informal way.