
Thank you to those who make their offering through Standing Orders and Gift Aid.

This is an appeal to those who give your offering by the free will offering envelopes (FWO) and in the open plate or those who would simply like to make a donation. The easiest and most practical method for the Treasurer is to make payment through the Bank. This can be done online by making a Standing Order or simply making a BACS (bank transfer) payment.

You can donate to Pathhead Parish Church Kirkcaldy using the following bank details:-

The bank details are as follows:

Bank: RBS

Account name: Pathhead Parish Church

Sort Code: 83 23 25

Account Number: 00625670

You can donate to the work of our Church Café and Outreach Enterprize using the following bank details:-

Account name: Pathhead Christian Outreach

Sort code: 83 23 25

Account number: 16187622

Thank you for any contribution you are able to make helping our church in its work.

If you prefer, you can send a cheque to Pathhead Parish Church, 38 Harriet Street, Kirkcaldy, KY1 2AG

If you are a tax payer, you can increase your offering by 25% by signing up to Gift Aid. This does not cost you any more but the Church benefits from the extra 25%. Forms are available from the Treasurer or at the office.

Reverend Andrew Donald