Dates for Your Diary

Pathhead Dates for Your Diary                                         

Sunday 29th September, 11am – Morning Worship
Please come and join us in the main hall after the service for tea, coffee and fellowship

Sunday 29th September – Please note there will be NO Bible Study on this date.

Monday 30th September, 7pm – Guild
‘Visit to the Galapagos Islands’ with Mike Simpson

Saturday 5th October, 10am-12pm – Coffee Morning
Our popular Saturday coffee mornings have started again.  Come and join us for coffee, tea and home baking.

Sunday 6th October, 11am – Morning Worship
Please come and join us in the main hall after the service for tea, coffee and fellowship

Sunday 6th October – Reflection and Prayer Afternoon
There will be a soup and sandwich lunch following the morning service, after which Lynda Wright will lead a time of reflection.
As our year of celebration of 200 years of our congregation’s life is drawing to an end, we will have the opportunity to reflect on the seasons of its life and give thanks – for the seasons of birthing new ministries, of enjoying them growing and blossoming, of reaping the harvests and of knowing when the time was right to let go and wait for new direction.  Our own lives reflect these same seasons and we will have the opportunity to explore this too.  We will use reflective prayer and creative engagement during this time together.
There will be the opportunity after that and in weeks to come for people to write prayers which will then be formed into 4 creative books by May Snaddon, one for each season.  The idea is to have 200 prayers to fill the books but this is not expected to all happen on 6th October.

Sunday 6th October, 6pm – Bible Study
This session is held over Zoom, see the ‘News’ page for details how to join.

Sunday 13th October, 11am – Morning Worship
Please come and join us in the main hall after the service for tea, coffee and fellowship

Sunday 13th October 2 – 3.15pm – Messy Church
Join us for a time of fun, creativity, activities, worship and food.
Messy Church is for all the family – it’s for everyone, whatever your age, and it’s free. However, children must be accompanied by an adult

Other Events

Book Event
Waterstones Book store are holding an event ‘An Evening with Linden Bicket, Emma Dymnock and Alison Jack’, authors of the book Scottish Religious Poetry.  Event will be held on Tuesday 24th September, 7pm at Waterstones, High Street, Kirkcaldy.  To book your place call 01592 263755 or email