At Pathhead, we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion, also known as The Lord’s Supper, four times a year. We also celebrate the Sacrament at Easter and on special occasions. The regular dates are the first Sunday in Advent, the first Sunday in March, June and September. Jesus did not ring-fence his table and though our formal invitation goes out to our members, the celebration of the Lord’s Supper is for any sincere Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ. We gather round his table as sinners, not as people who think they are perfect. Equally, we do not gather flippantly. The Apostle Paul states that each person should examine themselves, so that they approach the table in a worthy manner. Eating at the King’s Table is a privilege not to be undertaken lightly. If you wish to partake as a visitor, all we ask is that you do so with a sincere heart.
It is worth bearing in mind that the children of our church gather with us at communion and they have a small table provided with bread and grape juice so that they can develop their own understanding of the Lord’s Supper.