
Andrew Donald

Andrew Donald

The Minister at Pathhead Parish Church is Andrew Donald, who has served the congregation and parish since November 2005.

Andrew comments, “As a congregation, our aim is to serve Christ joyfully and meaningfully, both in Sunday worship and in weekly service to the congregation and wider community.  We value our traditions but seek to find new expressions of the Church which will meet the needs of this present generation. To achieve our aims, we recognise the need for strategic planning and realistic, measurable goals.

I firmly believe in the Biblical maxim that “where there is no vision, the people perish.”  However, as a minister, I gain greater satisfaction from small tasks accomplished well, than grand visions that fail to deliver.  I also believe that progress does not happen by chance and creating the right ambience has its part to play in making people feel welcome whether they walk through a church garden or cross the threshold of a church or hall.  In that respect, the welcome we offer to stranger or friend is crucial in attracting and retaining a positive and vibrant community of faith.”

Principal Office Bearers 
Session Clerks Linda Hugh
Anne Deas
Clerk to the Congregational Board Ron Oliphant
Treasurer Moyra Kelly
Fabric Convener Angus Hugh
Stewardship/Gift Aid Promoter Hugh Mackenzie
Roll Keeper Susan Clachers
Safeguarding Co-ordinator Anne Deas
Organist Alan Urquhart
Flower Convener Sheila White
Outreach (Meals Delivery) Administered by the office
Church Hall management Administered by the office