Cafe St Clair

Cafe St Clair provides snacks and full meals at very reasonable prices.  The Cafe is open to the general public and is conveniently situated just off Harriet Street.  The Cafe is open from Tuesday to Friday, 12noon until 2pm.  You will find our food to be of high quality and great value.  Our volunteer staff are very friendly and the ambience is warm, so please give us a try.  New volunteers are always valued, so if you would like to assist us, please contact the church office, or speak to any of the staff on duty. 

Can you help the Cafe St Clair team with vegetable preparation?  We are looking for helpers any morning from Monday (for the outreach meals) through to Friday.  If you can spare an hour or two on any of these mornings it would be very much appreciated.

The Cafe is a church community project and monetary donations to the Cafe are always welcome.  Please contact the treasurer, Moyra Kelly, or contact the church office if you would like to assist its service to the community.

Cafe St Clair